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Who is Oakley?
Oakley was someone who did not know a stranger. She always had a smile on her face, and she was kind. She loved to make people laugh, so when she knew how to make you smile, she would always remember that and try to do it again. She liked to tell jokes and would often follow up a joke with “Waka Waka!” just like Fozzy Bear from the Muppets. For being only almost three-years-old, she was incredibly smart. She spoke in almost complete sentences, demonstrated empathy, and questioned things that did not make sense to her. My favorite example of this is when she first watched the movie “Wall-E” and Oakley realized that Wall-E was lonely and did not have friends.Tears welled up in her eyes and she asked why he did not have any friends. She then rejoiced when Eve showed up later in the movie and suddenly Wall-E was not lonely anymore.
Oakley loved to dance, and it was quite frequent that we would have dance parties in the living room for her to groove to. She admired my dance team, and would always ask for me to play their songs from practice so that she too could dance like them. I bet you we have played “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys at least 1,000 times. Oakley also loved to read and be read to. It was never just one book at bedtime, but at least four or sometimes five. It was not uncommon to find her asleep in her bed with books as well, or all around her in the morning. Her favorite books included Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, I’ve Loved You Since Forever, Night Night Little Pookie and I Love You Blankie.
Lastly, Oakley loved to show you that she loved you. I have countless photos of her hugging my family and friends, and she always made sure to tell you that she loved you. She loved to hug, snuggle and just touch you. Many times we would be on the couch together, her little foot would be touching my side, just because she wanted to be touching me. Her love radiated out of her, and she always let it show. Oakley was the biggest blessing to my husband, our families and our friends. Many times Erik and I would ask each other how we got so lucky with having her because she was so happy all of the time, and she was just an all around good kid. When you see the photos and videos of Oakley, that’s genuinely how she was with us all of the time, just happy, polite and loved.
Written by her loving Mama, Jamie Jo Hiles